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Brand Building Campaign

Donor Outreach

Company Background

The CUNY School of Medicine has a 48-year history of recruiting a diverse pool of students to the BS/MD and Physician Assistant programs, expanding access to medical education to individuals from underserved communities, of limited financial resources, and of racial/ethnic backgrounds historically underrepresented in the medical profession.

Business Challenge

Generate awareness of their positive impact on the health of NYC to grow and diversify revenue sources.

Business Goals

Build brand awareness and reputation 

Increase visibility 

Bolster monetary donations.

The Kinetic Process

Warm up

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 The Situation

Health professions are grappling with the impact of demographic shifts in the United States population. Gross inequalities have hampered efforts to diversify health professions and increase educational opportunities for students of different racial and ethnic groups.

Key Trends

Healthcare Crisis

For healthcare and public health institutions to rebuild a reputation of trustworthiness, partnerships rooted in bidirectional communication, capacity building, and reciprocity are required.

2 CUNY schools (Lehman and BMCC) recently received hefty ($30 million each) donations from Mackenzie Scott. When asked how and what she looks for to determine who to donate to, she states that as a donor, she is looking for organizations that are making an impact and are able to articulate it.

Donation Dollars

Gross inequalities have hampered efforts to diversify health professions and increase educational opportunities for students of different racial and ethnic groups. Primary and secondary education for URM students is, on average, far below the quality of education for non-URM students.

Racial Inequities


Almost half of all COVID-19 infections in the US were in the state of New York. Of the 1,307 coronavirus deaths the US has experienced, 466 have taken place there, too. But the city of New York has been hit hardest.


The Target

New Yorker, a term typically used to describe someone born and raised in New York City or the metropolitan area.

They are proud and loyal and they understand the true past, present and future of their city. They are not tourists or people who moved simply because it is the place to be. True New Yorkers have known the city and have had "New York" moments since they were young and so have a deep relationship with the city.

Who are we "really" talking to?



  • Completed a level of education in NYC

  • From any of the 5 boroughs (+ Long Island, Yonkers, CT area)

  • The ‘NY Strong’ contingents made up of NYC natives and transplants who share the same love for the city

  • Foreign born and can speak/ understand another language outside of English


  • Empire State of mind: To the point and not willing to wait around for someone to do something we know we could do better

  • Forward-thinking and tenacious, no-one can stop a New Yorker from doing what they want to do

  • Hard workers that relish in the struggle, fight, and determination of everyday life

  • Received the vaccine as soon as they felt it do more good than harm. 

  • Major hesitation has left some on the fence -- they'd rather opt out for a fake vaccine card

  • Attitude: Suspicious mindset toward everyone and everything - giving hasn't played an essential role in their lives 

  • Values: Take pride in their city and want to leave a legacy in NY


  • Were detrimentally impacted by COVID 

  • Always have their own opinion but Consults with the community before deciding - they have trusted sources such as The radio, The man at the Bodega, the Doorman/ woman at their apartment building, neighbors, etc

  • Before committing to anything, they try to understand every intricate factor, make impact-based decisions

  • Prefer straightforward communication that is action-based and "authentic"

  • Buy product/service simply for the experience, and usually the premium version 

  • Opt-in for community driven rewards from brands

Target Personas

All American Tyson
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"The vision and the impact of a nonprofit is what really resonates with me. We are all closer to community impact than we think. Community drives culture."

Natural Nurturer Sophia
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"I visit websites to find out about fundraisers and events to attend and share. I also like seeing and hearing about the people who benefit from my donations."



Have a Primary

Care Provider


Go to their PCP

solely for their

annual visit


"We have been very resilient people. The majority of health issues that arise are deeply rooted in systemic racism. Addressing the uncomfortable truths of these things is key, and people ask me what medicine has to do with politics? And it has everything to do with medicine."


Prefer a doctor with the same shared cultural background & would wait longer for an appt available with said doctor


Prefer a Primary Care Provider (PCP )that shares their gender identity

"The return I expect, and I'd hope anyone would expect, is to have both parties understand they are in a relationship and that relationship starts with trust. From there, you can work through the hard parts of gift-giving. People give to things they know about, understand, or are at least interested in knowing about." 

"At the moment, we're talking about health, and we're not talking about health from a very medical, biomedical point of view. Health includes culture as well. If you don't have a healthy understanding of the culture, you cannot understand your interaction with this instance."

Key Findings

Diversity and inclusivity in the healthcare system are a priority for our respondents.


Respondents want to feel seen and empathized with by their primary care doctor.


'Representation', 'Location', and 'Referral' are the main deciding factors when searching for a primary care physician.


People mostly indicated "mostly inconvenient" in terms of the location of their PCPs office which indicates that they can't access PCPs within a reasonable radius.

Brand Truth

"Uniquely Qualified"


CUNY is a rarity and they have a chance to be the change they want to see -- as they move to join the ranks of American Medical Schools.

Campaign Insight

New York City's net worth is the total health of its people.

Campaign Message

CSOM offers a once in a lifetime opportunity: to invest in the most lucrative deal ever, the health of New York City.


Keep New York Going


Measurements of Success

Brand Value
Donation Dollars

CSOM went from not being known at all to a cherished brand that brings value to NYC.

We partnered with Hamilton to create The Hamiltour to take New Yorkers to historical and cultural landmarks that keep NY exciting, rich, and diverse. The tour generated 100 sign- ups and the 200 that couldn't attend opted  for the self guided tour.

Created content  that highlights the underserved New Yorkers, whose journeys make the city and its culture one of the greatest in the world. Through a mix of media channels, we targeted above our orginal frequency, at 6 x a week. Content requested viewers to visit our website for more information on CUNY'S impact. 

Channel viewers / time spent on  channels, more than doubled due to our invigorating content.​

 We built trust with potential donors by providing them with fact based information, our unique selling point , and proven history of excellence.

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